Getting to Collonges-Fontaines by Train

If you want to get to Collonges-Fontaines by train, there are several ways to get there. You can take the bus, find taxi services, or take the train. Moovit is a great public transit app that can help you find the best options near the station.

Collonges – Fontaines Station

If you’re planning a trip to Collonges – Fontaines Station, make sure you check out your options for getting there by train. Collonges – Fontaines Station is located in Collonges-au-Mont-d’Or, near the cities of Rochetaillee-sur-Saone and Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d’Or.

You can take the train from Lyon Perrache to Collonges – Fontaines Station for an 11-minute trip. The journey covers seven miles, and there are 207 train services weekly between the two cities. Make sure to check the schedule before you travel, especially during holidays and weekends.

Since Gare de Collonges – Fontaines Station is a mid-sized station, it’s unlikely you’ll find many taxis waiting to pick you up. Although there are taxis available, you’ll likely have to make your own reservation. If you’re unsure of where to find a taxi, you can use UBER or book a cab in advance.

Taxi services in Collonges – Fontaines

When arriving at Paris’ Gare de Collonges – Fontaines train station, you’ll want to know that you can count on having a taxi waiting for you. This is a smaller train station than others, and you may not always find a taxi on the spot, so booking a taxi beforehand is vital to ensure that you’ll have a ride when you arrive.

There are many ways to get to Collonges – Fontaines from Lyon, including by train. SNCF runs an hourly train from Lyon Perrache to Collonges – Fontaines. This train ride takes around 11 minutes. If you’d rather not wait for the taxi, you can try a travel booking website like Rome2rio. This website has up-to-date information on all available options, including estimated fares and route maps. You can also make a reservation online with select operators.

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