How to Get to Sao Martinho Do Campo Portugal by Train

How to get to Sao Martinho do Campo Portugal by train

The best way to travel to Sao Martinho do Campo from Lisbon is by bus or train. The average trip takes 2 h 30 min. It is recommended to book your tickets in advance to avoid a lot of hassle and the price may vary depending on the day and time.

In order to book a ticket, you need to select the dates for your journey. Moovit will show you all available options for the trip to Sao Martinho do Campo. You can choose the most convenient date and time, and you can also filter by price. The cheapest tickets are offered by Rede Expressos and the fastest connections take 1h 30m.

There are also buses that depart from Lisbon directly to Nazare, with a stop in Obidos and Caldas da Rainha on the way. The bus runs daily at 6.20 pm from Campo Grande Bus Station, which can be reached by taking the metro (green or yellow line). Tickets cost around €10, and can be purchased on board.

A quaint fishing port in the heart of Estremadura, Nazare is now known for its sweeping, (though treacherous) sandy beach, which attracts thousands of tourists, especially in summer. The town’s narrow streets are lined with cafés and restaurants, and there are plenty of places to buy local crafts. Located north of the city, the town’s 16th-century walled castle is also worth exploring.

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