Lachaud-Curmilhac, Haute-Loire


Four trains a day arrive in Lachaud-Curmilhazc. The Gare ferroviaire française is located at PK 19,168. It has direct connections to Fix-Saint-Geneys. If you’re travelling by train, you can plan your journey using Trainline. It offers tickets to over 270 train companies in more than 45 countries. Whether you’re heading home or travelling to a new place, you’ll need to find a way to get there.

Gare ferroviaire francaise située à PK 19,168

Lachaud-Curmilhasc is a station located in the Haute-Loire region. It was opened in 1874 and is served by trains of the TER Auvergne line.

Four trains a day arrivent à Lachaud-Curmilhac

You can reach Lachaud-Curmilhauc by train from several major cities in France. You can reach this town in approximately 8.5 hours by train. The train station is located near Le Puy. It is also connected to Nice by train. You can board a train at 9:30a from downtown Geneva or at 7a from Nice. From here, you can catch a train to Le Puy at 10:30am or at 3pm. You’ll miss dinner, but the train company will reimburse you for your meal in the cafe car. The journey time is 8.5 hours, or less if you take the early morning express.


The commune of Fix-Saint-Geneys is located in the Haute-Loire department of France. It is about 5 km north-east of Lachaud-Curmilhec. Its population is around 129 people. The population density is 16 hab/km2. It has a male-to-female ratio of 54:46.

In Fix-Saint-Geneys, you can complete your demarches administratively by going to the local municipal office. There you will need to present a valid photo ID and verify your voter registration. You can also contact the municipal office by phone or via email.

This station is on the line Saint-Etienne-Chateaucreux and is located at Kilometeriaque 19,168. The station was once called Lachaud. However, the name was changed to Vissac in 1949 due to confusion with other towns. After that, many local residents preferred to use the name Vissac. The station was eventually closed in 1970.

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