How to Get to Entroncamento Portugal by Train

How to get to Entroncamento Portugal by train

To travel between Lisbon and Entroncamento, you can take a train from Lisbon’s Santa Apolonia or Oriente stations. The journey takes around 1 h 54 min. Taking the train is an environmentally friendly option, as it emits less carbon dioxide than driving a car. It is also very comfortable and you can relax while travelling. However, it is important to check ahead of time whether you need to make a reservation, since this will add to the total journey time. You can do this at local railway stations or by calling the railway company Comboios de Portugal CP or Blablacar.

You can also travel to Entroncamento by bus, coach and ferry. Use Moovit’s route planner to find the best fares and times for your trip. If you are travelling with children, be sure to check whether there are special child tickets available, as this will lower the price of your ticket. You can also book your ticket online on the Moovit website or app.

There is one train a day between Badajoz (in Spain’s landlocked western province of Extremadura) and Lisbon in the centre of Portugal. This so-called ‘Eastern Line’ shut down in 2012 due to low passenger numbers, but it has now been reopened.

You can also reach Lagos in Portugal’s southwestern Garve region by train from Tunes, and there are regional trains to Lisbon and Faro. The National Railway Museum is worth a visit in Lisbon, as it displays more than 160 years of railway history and is one of Europe’s finest rail museums.

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