Traveling to Chauffailles, France by Train


Chauffailles is a commune in the Saône-et-Loire department of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region of eastern France. It is located near the border with Switzerland. You can travel to Chauffailles by train from Paris or Lozanne.

Average temperature in Chauffailles in March

Chauffailles’s climate is characterized by comfortable summers and cold winters. Temperatures range from thirty degrees Fahrenheit to seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Rainfall in Chauffailles is generally light, ranging from 0.1 to 0.04 inches. The wettest month is December, with 37% of the days getting at least 0.04 inches of precipitation. The driest month is May, with an average of 9.6 days having no rain.

The growing season in Chauffailles lasts approximately 6.4 months. It rarely begins before March 26, and rarely ends before October 8 or after November 19. The amount of daylight in Chauffailles varies greatly by month, with the most daylight occurring on June 19th and the least sunlight occurring on December 19th. This data is derived from the MERRA-2 project, which uses a climate model to estimate climate conditions at every location on Earth.

Distance between Chauffailles and Lozanne by train

If you’re wondering how to get from Chauffailles to Lozanne, you’re in luck. The distance between Chauffailles and Lozanne is less than one hundred kilometers (one hundred and sixty miles). You can even get a train ticket in first class for less than twenty dollars! The train makes 10 stops along the way.

The train from Chauffailles to Lozanne takes around 49 minutes. The fastest trains travel the distance in under 45 minutes. There are 3 trains that travel the 29-mile-long (47-km) distance between the two cities. The trip is convenient because there are no transfers required between trains. The national train company, SNCF, operates these trains.

Time it takes to get to Chauffailles from Paris by train

If you’re planning a trip to France, you’ll be interested to know how long it takes to get from Paris to Chauffailles by train. The average travel time from Paris to Chauffailles is 8 hours 37 minutes, although you can travel in just 3 hours and 41 minutes if you take the fastest trains. There are 8 trains per day between Paris and Chauffailles, and each one will take about an hour and a half. The train fare to Chauffailles is EUR15, and you can buy your tickets online up to 2 months before departure. The cheaper prices will go up as the departure date approaches, so it’s worth booking tickets early. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait for up to four hours, and prices will be significantly higher.

If you want to get to Chauffailles by train, you can hop on the RER C train, which crosses Paris and runs along the Seine river. The train comes every 15 minutes from Montparnasse, and takes about one hour and a half to reach Chauffailles.

Distance from Chauffailles to Anglure-sous-Dun by train

The distance between Chauffailles and Anglure-sous-Dun is about 3.87 kilometers. If you are traveling by train, you should plan for a minimum of 3 hours to reach both destinations. The nearest observation station is Charolles.

There are a few ways to calculate the distance between Chauffailles and Anglure-sous-Dun. A validating calculator will show a route map and different itineraries from Anglure-sous-Dun to Metz. It will also show you the fuel costs.

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