Things to do in Saint-Romain-Le-Püy – France

Saint-Romain-le-Püy is a commune located in the Loire department, central France. It is a small town with a population of 2,600 people. You can find out the temperature and humidity of Saint-Romain-le-Puy in this article.


Saint-Romain-le-Püy has a very temperate climate. It has short summers and cold winters. Temperatures range from 31 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The hottest month is July, when temperatures average 79 degrees Fahrenheit. The coolest month is January, when average temperatures average 28 degrees Fahrenheit.

The brighter part of the year lasts 3.2 months, with the brightest month of July averaging 7.0 kWh. A slightly chilly November and February bring about 64% cloud cover.

Daylight saving time in Saint-Romain-le-Puy

Daylight saving time (DST) in Saint-Romain-le Puy is observed from the beginning of March until the end of October. In this city, the earliest sunrise is at 5:53 AM and the latest sunset is at 9:36 PM. The earliest and latest sunrise and sunset times are approximate and rounded to the nearest minute.

The climate in Saint-Romain-le Puy is temperate, with short winters and mild summers. In most months, temperatures range from 31 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The coldest month is January, when temperatures average 32 degrees Fahrenheit and highs hover around 44 degrees Fahrenheit.

Average rainfall in Saint-Romain-le-Puy

The average amount of precipitation in Saint-Romain-le Puy, France, varies seasonally. The wettest month is May with an average of 2.5 inches of liquid falling, while the driest month is February with an average of 0.9 inches of liquid falling.

Saint-Romain-le-Pouy experiences a dry and cool climate. The average temperatures will range from 31 degrees F in mid-June to 81 degrees in the wettest month of July. During this period, there are few days that are colder than 32 degrees. However, if you plan to enjoy swimming in the ocean, it is best to avoid the rainiest months of May and June.

Average humidity in Saint-Romain-le-Puy

The average humidity in Saint-Romain-lePuy varies throughout the year. For instance, the drier months of October to April have the highest humidity levels, while the wettest months are December and May. Nevertheless, the total amount of precipitation per day in these months varies from month to month.

Saint-Romain-le-Piy’s average humidity is not particularly high or low, and it remains within 1% of its maximum during summer. In addition to the perceived humidity, the average wind speed varies from place to place. This is because the average wind speed depends on the local topography.

Average annual temperature in Saint-Romain-le-Puy

The average annual temperature in Saint-Romain-Le-Puy is about 31.9 degrees Fahrenheit. This area is characterized by short summers and cold winters. In general, the weather is sunny and partly cloudy in Saint-Romain-le-Puy. The hottest month is July, with average highs of 79 degrees Fahrenheit and lows of 57 degrees. The coldest month is January, when the average low and high temperatures are 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

The growing season is typically 6.7 months long and lasts for 204 days. The growing season rarely begins before March 25 and seldom ends before October 16 or after December 2. The amount of heat accumulated annually is measured in growing degree days (GDD). These are the number of days that the temperature rises above the base temperature or maximum temperature of the soil.

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