Thessaloniki to Adendro Train Station

The exact number of train journeys from Thessaloniki to Adendro each day can vary. On some days there are more than others, depending on how many transport providers offer services. However, on average there are 8 direct connections with no changes each day.

Opened in 1894 in what was then the Ottoman Empire, the station is situated just north of the village centre and serves passengers travelling on the Thessaloniki-Chalkidona branchline of the Societe du Chemin de Fer ottoman Salonique-Monastir. It has waiting rooms and a staffed ticket office within the original 19th-century building.

Greek train accidents have been in the spotlight in recent weeks after an intercity passenger train derailed and collided with a house near the town of Adendro on 13 May 2017, killing three people. The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but initial reports suggest excessive speed was to blame.

In addition to a lack of safety standards, Greece’s railways are often plagued by the presence of migrants, who often move along railway tracks and find refuge in railway facilities in their bid to reach the country’s borders. According to the latest Annual Safety Report from the Regulatory Authority for Railways, this is one of the main reasons behind the increasing number of accidents on the nation’s trains.

If you’re planning to travel to Adendro, it’s worth considering the use of a car hire service. Not only will this save you on travel costs, but it’ll also give you the freedom to explore at your own pace. If you’re looking for a great deal, booking in advance is recommended.

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