Bruce Grove Station

Bruce Grove Station is a railway station in the London Borough of Haringey. The station is located on the Stoke Newington & Edmonton Railway.

Moovit makes it easy to navigate to Bruce Grove Station! You can download the app to find step-by-step directions, live schedules and other useful information for your trip.

Station History

Bruce Grove Station opened on 22 July 1872 as a stop on the Stoke Newington and Edmonton Railway. Today it is a London Overground station on the Lea Valley line, in Travelcard zone 3. The station has an undulating roof to platform canopies which gives it some historical character. The station is also listed and is considered of interest because of its design and features.

There are four trains hourly from Bruce Grove to Liverpool Street, Cheshunt, or Enfield Town. The fastest journey time is 21 minutes. The station is also served by local bus services. There are also several shops and places of entertainment located around the station.

In the early 1980s, several changes were made to the station. The wooden covered staircases were replaced by concrete ones, and the London-bound platform roof was shortened. The North-bound roof opposite (which was identical) was completely removed and a small brick shelter built in its place. This gave the illusion of original authenticity to the station.

The Public Conveniences were built by the council of the day at a time when the area was developing into a suburban commercial centre. They are situated in an area which was once lined with stately elm trees. The design for the wall mural draws on this history, referencing local legacies and celebrating diversity in Bruce Grove. The design aims to make the space more visually appealing and a destination for people to come and enjoy.

Moovit App

Moovit is an app that provides users with transit information and directions for cities around the world. It is available on both iOS and Android, and it allows users to save their favorite transit routes. In addition, it offers real-time service alerts and notifications. These features can help users avoid the inconvenience of delays or disruptions in public transportation services.

The Moovit app also offers detailed maps of the city, including bus, train, subway/underground /tube, and ferry routes. Its search function makes it easy to find a specific location or address. It can also provide route options based on transfer points and time. Moovit users can also report on issues with buses, trains, or other transit services. This feedback is used to improve the accuracy of the app’s transit data.

Moovit is an excellent option for anyone who regularly uses public transportation. It can be especially useful for those who travel to new places or who are unfamiliar with the local transit system. The Moovit app is free to use, but users can also upgrade to Moovit+ for more premium features. This includes no ads and exclusive features. Users can even customize their Moovit experience by selecting different icons and colors for the app’s interface. In addition, the Moovit app is optimized for accessibility features such as VoiceOver and TalkBack on iOS devices.


Located in the north of London, Bruce Grove Station is served by trains running through the central part of the city. It is a London Overground station and is in Travelcard zone 3. The station was opened on 22 July 1872, originally as a stop of the Stoke Newington & Edmonton Railway and is now a part of the Seven Sisters branch of the Lea Valley Lines.

On a typical weekday, there are four trains per hour in each direction travelling to Liverpool Street and two travelling to either Cheshunt or Enfield Town. Trains are operated by London Overground and Abellio Greater Anglia. Cheap tickets are available in advance online or at the station. First class train tickets are also available, which can offer more space, complimentary food and drink, and other perks compared to standard tickets.

Parking near Bruce Grove Station can be a bit tricky, especially during peak times or on weekends. That’s why we recommend booking a JustPark space beforehand to guarantee a hassle-free start and end to your journey. With an extensive network of spaces – ranging from council car parks to residential driveways – available, you’re sure to find the perfect spot close to Bruce Grove Station. Plus, you can book your space in advance, so you know exactly what price you’re paying and when to expect to get back to your car.


The TfL W4 – Oakthorpe Park – Wolves Lane – Wood Green – Turnpike Ln Sta – Belmont Rd – Downhills Pk – Broadwater Farm – Bruce Grove – Tottenham – Tottenham Hale, Ferry Ln bus connects Bruce Grove Station with London and is operated by Arriva. The route has 40 bus stops along the way and a total trip takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

You can easily find and book a seat on the bus using the Moovit app. All you have to do is select the desired date and time for your journey, then choose a suitable vehicle from the available options. Your ticket is then automatically purchased and you’ll be sent an email with a confirmation number. You can also check the status of your reservation in the app at any time.

With Moovit, you can also see any active disruptions that might affect your trip. These may include detours, road closures, major delays, and more. You can even subscribe to notifications so you’ll be notified immediately of any disruptions to your route.

Moovit is a convenient way to plan your travel in and around the city. It can save you time and money by providing you with door-to-door instructions, maps, line arrival times, and updated time schedules. So download the Moovit app, and get started on your next trip to Bruce Grove Station today!

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