Tithorea Railway Station Greece

Tithorea Railway Station Greece

Tithorea Railway Station Greece

With its eerie, foreboding presence at the foot of Parnassos, it’s not hard to see why the train station at Kato (Lower) Tithorea is known as one of the most haunted stations in Europe. The area is steeped in history, dating back to when the village was originally a watchtower on the mountain’s edge. The tower was a refuge for locals during the Axis occupation of 1941-44 and subsequently became home to a small army base. It’s also an important stop on the hike to Liakoura, the highest peak on the mountain, a grueling two-day trek but well worth it once you’ve reached the top.

The number of direct journeys from Kato Tithorea to Athens varies but, on average, there are 6 connections each day. Travelers who are comfortable with making multiple changes may find it easier to book a connecting service, which will require them to change trains along the way.

Rome2Rio makes it easy to explore all the transport options available for your trip from Kato Tithorea to Athens. Simply enter your selected dates and time of travel, then select which mode of transport you’d like to take. We’ll show you all the routes and estimated fares, helping you to make an informed decision about which option is best for you.

When you’ve compared the prices and services on offer, it’s time to book your ticket. Just enter your details on the left-hand side of the page, and we’ll send you straight to the provider’s website.

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